Monday, 3 April
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 12:00
Openning addresses by
the President of HMS
the Delagate of WMO
the Organizers
Introductory Presentations
- Hechler, P., Baddour, O.: Underpinning climate services
Coffee break
- Szentimrey, T.: Introduction on homogenization, QC, spatial interpolation, gridding
- Venema, V., Lindau, R.: Global temperature trend biases and statistical homogenization methods
Lunch break
14:00 – 17:00 Homogenization and quality control
- Enric Aguilar, Jesús Asín, César Azorín, Alba Gilabert, José Antonio Guijarro, José Antonio López-Díaz, Marc Prohom, Domingo Rasilla, Germán Solé: Evaluation of the Impact over temperature series of the transitions between observation systems (IMPACTRON)
- J.A. Guijarro, J. Cuxart, G. Simó, D. Martínez-Villagrasa, A. López, R. Picos, B. Martí, M.A. Jiménez, A. Gilabert and E. Aguilar: Small scale surface heterogeneities and impact on station relocations
- Lisa Hannak: Analysis of the impacts of the automatization of measurement systems using parallel measurements from German Climate Reference Stations
Coffee break
- Domonkos, P.: Time series homogenisation with optimal segmentation and ANOVA correction: past, present and future
- J.A. Guijarro, J.A. López, E. Aguilar, P. Domonkos, V.K.C. Venema, J. Sigró and M. Brunet: Comparison of homogenization packages applied to monthly series of temperature and precipitation: the MULTITEST project
18:00 Welcome party
Tuesday, 4 April
9:00 – 12:00 Homogenization and quality control
9:00 – 10:30 New WMO Guidelines on Homogenisation: Introductory presentation by Victor Venema,
followed by an open discussion seeking feedback from seminar participants
Coffee break
- Szentimrey, T.: New developments of homogenization method MASH: homogenization of standard deviation
- Elin Lundstad, Petr Stepanek, Pavel Zahradníček: Long-term homogenised precipitation data sets for Norway
- Herdis Motrøen Gjelten, Elin Lundstad & Ole Einar Tveito: Homogeneity testing of seasonal precipitation series in Norway
Lunch break
14:00 – 17:00 Homogenization and quality control
- Barbara Chimani, Manfred Ganekind: Differences in Climate Evolution Analyses depending on the choice o by homogenization method and time span
- Kay Shelton, Sarah Warren, Richard Davis, Duncan Faulkner: Homogenisation of daily station data in England and Wales
- Antonello Squintu: Homogenization of ECA&D temperature series
Coffee break
- K. Vint, S. Keevallik, H. Meitern: Inhomogenieties in Estonian air temperature series with CLIMATOL and HOMER
- Yizhak Yosef, Enric Aguilar and Pinhas Alpert: Comparison of different daily adjustment methods for the maximum and minimum temperature in Israel
- Carla Mateus, Aaron Potito, Mary Curley: Digitisation and homogenisation of the long term daily (max/min) summer and winter air temperature records in Ireland
Wednesday, 5 April
9:00 – 12:00 Homogenization and quality control
- Elke Rustemeier, Alice Kapala, Anja Meyer-Christoffer, Peter Finger, Udo Schneider, Victor Venema, Markus Ziese, Clemens Simmer und Andreas Becker: HOMPRA Europe - A gridded precipitation data set from European homogenized time series
- Pavel Zahradníček, Petr Štěpánek: Homogenization of the wind speed time series in Czech Republic
- Dubravka Rasol: Modernisation of Croatian Meteorological Measurements Network
Coffee break
- Cédric Bertrand and Michel Journée: Data QC within the Belgian synoptic and climatological networks: an overview
- Perez Michel A.: A machine learning perspective towards fully automated quality control in daily weather time series.
- Charles Delvaux, Romain Ingels: Quality Control and Homogenization of the Belgian Historical Weather Data
Lunch break
14:00 – 15:20 Homogenization and quality control
- Kathrin Graw, Marc Schröder, Axel Andersson, Julian Kinzel, Karsten Fennig, Rainer Hollmann: Stability of satellite based climate data records (CDRs) retrieved by CM SAF
- Roeland Van Malderen, Eric Pottiaux, Anna Klos, Olivier Bock, Janusz Bogusz, Barbara Chimani, Michal Elias, Marta Gruszczynska, José Guijarro, Selma Zengin Kazancı, Tong Ning: The homogenization of GPS Integrated Water Vapour time series: methodology and benchmarking the algorithms on synthetic datasets
- Marc Schröder, Maarit Lockhoff, Lei Shi, Kathrin Graw: The GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP) – results from inter-comparisons and stability analysis
Coffee break
15:40 – 17:00 Spatial interpolation, gridded datasets
- Szentimrey, T.: New developments of interpolation method MISH: modelling of interpolation error RMSE, automated real time Quality Control
- Dhais Peña-Angulo, Celia Salinas Solé, Marcos Rodrigues, Azucena Jiménez Castalleda, Michele Brunetti, José Carlos González-Hidalgo: Comparison of different interpolation methods for the generation of a climatology with maximum and minimum monthly temperatures
19:00 Conference dinner
Thursday, 6 April
9:00 – 12:00 Spatial interpolation, gridded datasets
- Francesco Isotta, Michael Begert and Christoph Frei: Temperature and precipitation grid datasets for climate monitoring based on homogeneous time series in Switzerland
- Christoph Frei and Francesco Isotta: Uncertainty in the interpolation of daily precipitation – Insights from an ensemble analysis for the Alps
- Cristian Lussana and Ole Einar Tveito: Nordic gridded climate data set, status and plans
Coffee break
- Ole Einar Tveito and Cristian Lussana: Ensemble approaches to assess uncertainties in observation gridding
- Rehfeldt, Kira; Kolbe, Christine; Ziese, Markus; Rustemeier, Elke; Krähenmann, Stefan; Becker, Andreas: Comparison of Three Interpolation Schemes for Six Parameters
- Vit Kveton: Experiences with snow level estimation for spatial analyse of new snow depth based on precipitation data
Lunch break
14:00 – 17:00 Spatial interpolation, gridded datasets
- A. Mamara, M.Anadranistakis, A.A Argiriou: Homogenization and gridding of the Greek time series
- Predrag Petrović: Comparison of Gridded and Observed Temperature and Precipitation Episode Series: A Case Study
- Bihari, Z., Szentimrey, T., Kircsi, A.: Some details about the theoretical background of CarpatClim – DanubeClim gridded databases and their practical consequences
Coffee break
- Lakatos, M., Szentimrey, T., Izsák, B., Hoffmann, L.: Comparison of E-OBS and CARPATCLIM gridded datasets of minimum temperatures, maximum temperatures and precipitation by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Ildikó Dobi: Comparison of monthly satellite, modelled and in situ surface radiation data over Hungary
- S. A. Höpp, M. Rauthe, T. Deutschländer, S. Krähenmann, S. Hänsel: Developing a gridded data set of global radiation covering Germany and its neighbouring river catchment areas
The time of presentations is planned about 25 minutes.
Friday, 7 April
9:00 – 12:00 Software Presentations
- Domonkos, P.: Software ACMANT3
- Szentimrey, T.: Software MASH (Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization)
10:30 – 11:00 coffee break
- Stepanek, P.: Software AnClim for tutorial of statistical methods in climatology (including homogenization) and ProClimDB for processing of climatological datasets
- Szentimrey, T.: Software MISH (Meteorological Interpolation based on Surface Homogenized Data Basis)
This session is still open please to inform us in case of intention to present any homogenization or QC or interpolation software.
List of posters
Technical information:
the format of poster boards is A0-portrait, with maximum poster size 88 cm width and 196 cm height.
- Guido Fioravanti: A national dataset of temperature and precipitation daily series for Italy
- José A. Guijarro: Daily series homogenization and gridding with Climatol v. 3
- Peter Kajaba, Oliver Bochníček, Katarína Mikulová: Climate Atlas of Slovakia
- Josipa Kuzmić, Lasta Slaviček: Overview of Parallel Meteorological Measurements in Croatia
- Victor Venema, Renate Auchmann, Enric Aguilar, Ingeborg Auer, Cesar Azorin-Molina, Theo Brandsma, Michele Brunetti, Alessandro Delitala, Manuel Dienst, Peter Domonkos, Evyatar Erell, Alba Gilabert, Xiaomao Lin, Jenny Lindén, Elin Lundstad, Ewa Milewska, Øyvind Nordli, Marc Prohom, Jared Rennie, Petr Stepanek, Blair Trewin, Lucie Vincent, Kate Willett, Mareile Wolff: A global database with parallel measurements to study non-climatic changes
- Ana Weissenberger, Dubravka Rasol and Helena Lebo Andreis: Temperature series quality analysis based on the number of corrected values
- date: 5 April Wednesday 19.00
- place: Budapest, Veres Pálné Street 7. BorLaBor Restaurant
Dinner with introductory of selection of Hungarian wines
Panyolai szatmári szilvapálinka 4cl, vagy Hungária Extra dry pezsgő
Zöldalmás pulykamell, mézes, pirított mandulás barack chutney-val
Green apple cold turkey breast, with a honeyed fried almond peach jam
Budai Chardonnay (Nyakas Pince)
Vargánya erőleves kakukkfüves gombagaluskával
Porcini mushrooms consome with a thyme mushroom noodles
Villányi Rozé (Gere Attila)
Szederboros muflon ragu rózsaborssal, fekete szederrel, burgonya fánkkal
Blackberry wine moufflon stew with rose pepper and blackberry fruits, garnished with potato doughnuts
Szekszárdi Cabernet Franc (Takler pince)
Túrós palacsinta szőlős-tokaji mártással
Cottage cheese pancakes with “Tokaj” wine sauce
Tokaji Hárslevelű (Evinor)
Menu for vegetarians with the same wine selection
Marinált erdei gombák, madársalátával, fenyőmagos pestóval
Forest mushrooms, with a corn salad, and pine seed pesto
Tárkonyos zöldség leves, burgonya gombócokkal
Tarragon vegetable soup, with potato dumplings
Roston sült tofu, olíván grillezett zöldségekkel, paradicsomos mártással, steak burgonyával
Grilled tofu, with grilled vegetables, tomato sauce and potato wedges
Túrós palacsinta szőlős-tokaji mártással
Cottage cheese pancakes with “Tokaj” wine sauce
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9th Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases and 4th Conference on Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Climatology and Meteorology |