New climate scenarios based on the change in
radiative forcing over the Carpathian Basin


  • Szépszó, G.:
    RCMGiS project: new climate scenarios for the Carpathian Basin (in Hungarian).
    Kick-off meeting of RCMGiS project,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 27 April 2015.
  • Szépszó, G.:
    Applicability of climate model results in impact assessments (in Hungarian).
    RCMGiS consultation workshop on impact studies,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 22 June 2015.
  • Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R.:
    Cooperation experiences in climate impacts studies.
    RCMGiS consultation workshop on impact studies,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 22 June 2015.
  • Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Pieczka, I., André, K.:
    Regional climate model validation study for European regions.
    5th EUGEO Congress on the Geography of Europe Convergences and Divergences of Geography in Europe,
    Budapest, 30 August – 2 September 2015.
  • Illy, T., Sábitz, J., Szépszó, G:
    Validation of recent ALADIN-Climate simulations over Central Europe and Hungary.
    15th EMS Annual Meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology,
    Sofia, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2015.
  • Szépszó, G., Csorvási, A., Illy, T., Lakatos, M., Bihari, Z., Németh, Á., Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Kovács, A.:
    Information system for adaptation to climate change in Hungary.
    15th EMS Annual Meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology,
    Sofia, Bulgaria, 7–11 September 2015.
  • Pongrácz, R., Bartholy, J., Pieczka, I., André, K.:
    Estimation of regional precipitation changes using RegCM experiments.
    9th HyMeX Workshop,
    Mykonos, Greece, 21–25 September 2015.
  • Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.:
    Regional climatological modelling.
    PANNEX: GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin,
    Osijek, Croatia, 9-11 November 2015.
  • Bartholy J., Pongrácz R.:
    Global and Regional Climate Change.
    Humboldt Kolleg Budapest 2015 „Symposium on International Climate Protection”,
    Budapest (Hungary), 13-14 November 2015.
  • Pongracz R., Bartholy J.:
    Climate Future in the Carpathian Basin with Special Focus on Extremes.
    Humboldt Kolleg Budapest 2015 „Symposium on International Climate Protection”,
    Budapest (Hungary), 13-14 November 2015.
  • Péliné Németh Cs., Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Radics K.:
    Estimation of wind energy, projected changes (in Hungarian).
    41st Meteorological Scientific Days: Meteorological aspects of using renewable energy sources,
    Budapest (Hungary), 19-20 November 2015.
  • Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.:
    Projection of hydropower potentials in the Carpathian Basin on the basis of regional climate models (in Hungarian).
    41st Meteorological Scientific Days: Meteorological aspects of using renewable energy sources,
    Budapest (Hungary), 19-20 November 2015.
  • Szépszó G.:
    New regional climate projections for the Carpathian Basin (in Hungarian).
    Final event of the project entitled Long-term socio-economic forecasting for Hungary,
    Hungarian Academy of Science, Budapest (Hungary), 7 December 2015.
  • Szépszó G.:
    Climate model data used for future impact studies (in Hungarian).
    Final event of the CRIGiS project,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 8 December 2015.
  • Illy, T., Szépszó, G.:
    Using reanalysis data at the Regional Climate Modelling Group of the Hungarian Meteorological Service.
    UERRA user workshop on regional re-analyses,
    Toulouse. France, 3–4 February 2016.
  • Szépszó, G.:
    Climate model results as input data of impact assessments (in Hungarian).
    RCMGiS 2nd consultation workshop on impact studies,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 19 February 2016.
  • Szépszó, G.:
    RCMGiS: New climate scenarios for the adaptation to climate change.
    Final event of the RCMGiS project,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 29 February 2016.
  • Pieczka I.:
    Validation results of model simulations.
    Final event of the RCMGiS project,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 29 February 2016.
  • Sábitz J.:
    Evaluation of climate projections – preliminary results.
    Final event of the RCMGiS project,
    Hungarian Meteorological Service, Budapest (Hungary), 29 February 2016.


  • Boros-Törék, O., Krüzselyi, I., Szépszó, G.:
    Sensitivity study on the integration domain size with ALADIN-Climate RCM.
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-6163-3, European Geosciences Union General Assembly,
    Vienna, Austria, 13–17 April 2015.
  • Pongrácz, R., Pieczka I., André, K., Bartholy, J.:
    Validation and sensitivity study for the MedCORDEX domain and the Carpathian Region using RegCM4.3.
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-2065, European Geosciences Union General Assembly,
    Vienna, Austria, 13–17 April 2015.
  • Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Pieczka, I., André, K.:
    Analysis of climate projections for the Carpathian Region using dynamical downscaling.
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-2067, European Geosciences Union General Assembly,
    Vienna, Austria, 13–17 April 2015.
  • Pieczka, I., Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., André, K., Kis, A., Kelemen, F.D.:
    Regional climate modeling study for the Carpathian region using RegCM4 experiments.
    International Conference on Air and Water Components of the Environment dedicated to World Meteorological Day and World Water Day,
    Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 20–22 March 2015.
  • André K., Pieczka I., Pongrácz R., Bartholy J.:
    Adaptation of fine-resolution regional climate model for Central Europe (in Hungarian)
    ELTE Innovation Day,
    Budapest, 26 February 2015.
  • Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Pieczka, I., André, K.:
    Validation of simulated precipitation using RegCM experiments for the Mediterranean region and Central Europe.
    2015 Taipei Severe Weather and Extreme Precipitation Workshop,
    Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 25–27 May 2015.
  • Bartholy, J., Pongrácz, R., Pieczka, I., André, K.:
    Estimation of regional climate change for the Carpathian Region using dynamical downscaling.
    26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG),
    Prague, Czech Republic, June 22 – July 2 2015.
  • Pongrácz, R., Bartholy, J., Pieczka, I., André, K.:
    Estimation of regional climate change taking into account RCP scenarios.
    5th EUGEO Congress on the Geography of Europe Convergences and Divergences of Geography in Europe,
    Budapest, 30 August – 2 September 2015.
  • Szépszó, G., Csorvási, A., Illy, T., Lakatos, M., Bartholy, J., Pieczka, I., Pongrácz, R.:
    Adaptation to climate change in Hungary. Workshop on Regional Climate Projections and their Use in Impacts and Risk Analysis Studies
    26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG),
    São José dos Campos, Brazil, 15-18 September 2015.
  • Pongracz, R., Bartholy, J., Kis, A., Szabo, J.A.:
    Projected climate change consequences in extreme runoff characteristics.
    PANNEX: GEWEX workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin,
    Osijek, Croatia, 9-11 November 2015.
  • Sábitz, J.:
    Impacts of different simulation settings to climate change signal based on ALADIN-Climate results.
    CORDEX International Conference on Regional Climate,
    Stockholm, Sweden, 17–20 May 2016.




  • Sábitz J., Szépszó G., Bartholy J., Pieczka I., Pongrácz R., 2015:
    First newsletter of the RCMGiS project (in Hungarian).
    RCMGiS project newsletter (ed.: Szépszó, G.), Hungarian Meteorological Service, 8 p.
  • Sábitz J., Szépszó G., 2016:
    Second newsletter of the RCMGiS project (in Hungarian).
    RCMGiS project newsletter (ed.: Szépszó G.), Hungarian Meteorological Service, 8 p.


  • New climate scenarios based on radiative forcing change over the Carpathian Basin.
    Published by the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 2015, 5 p.


  • Szépszó G., Krüzselyi I., Illy T., Sábitz J., 2015:
    Sensitivity study to integration domain choice using ALADIN-Climate regional climate model (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, April 2015, 19 p.
  • Sábitz J., Szépszó G., Zsebeházi G., Szabó P., Illy T., Bartholy J., Pieczka I., Pongrácz R., 2015:
    Application of indicators based on regional climate model results (in Hungarian).
    NAGiS EEA-C11-1 report (edited by Szépszó, G.), June 2015, 111 p.
  • Sábitz, J., Szépszó, G., Zsebeházi, G., Szabó, P., Illy, T., Bartholy, J., Pieczka, I., Pongrácz, R., 2015:
    Application of indicators based on regional climate model results.
    NAGiS EEA-C11-1 report summary in English (edited by Szépszó, G.), June 2015, 11 p.
  • Bartholy J., Pongrácz R., Pieczka I., André K., Bogárdi I., 2015:
    Sensitivity experiments with the RegCM climate model for the Carpathian Basin (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, August 2015, 16 p.
  • Illy T., Sábitz J., Szépszó G., 2015:
    Validation of ALADIN-Climate model results (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, August 2015, 19 p.
  • Szépszó G., Illy T., Sábitz J., 2016:
    Climate projection with the ALADIN model (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, January 2016, 4 p.
  • Bartholy J., 2016:
    Validation simulation with the RegCM model (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, January 2016, 5 p.
  • Bartholy J., 2016:
    Climate projection with the RegCM model (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, January 2016, 4 p.
  • Szépszó G., Csorvási A., 2016:
    Results of ALADIN-Climate model simulations (in Hungarian).
    Paper to the NAGiS EEA-C11-1 report entitled „Assessment of water cycle changes of Balaton to climate change”, January 2016, 10 p.
  • Csorvási A., Illy T., Sábitz J., Szabó P., Szépszó G., Zsebeházi G., 2016:
    Validation of regional climate model results for a past period (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, February 2016, 41 p.
  • Csorvási A., Illy T., Sábitz J., Szabó P., Szépszó G., Zsebeházi G., 2016:
    Evaluation of the climate change projections and quantification of uncertainties (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, May 2016, 51 p.
  • Szépszó G., Illy T., Szabó P., 2016:
    Post-processing of regional climate model results to prepare the climate parameters for NAGiS (in Hungarian).
    Project Report, RCMGiS EEA-C13-10, April 2016, 15 p.